Dr. Neal interviews Dr. CJ Rhodes Zera Today

youtube.com/watch Listen to an insightful conversation on Bishop CP Jones the holiness church’s impact on black religious life from Dr. CJ Rhodes’ book “Deeper Still”

Indiana as the crossroads of faith, tolerance, and community

The recent religious freedom restoration bill passed by the Indiana State legislature has created the latest uproar in a growing news cycle reporting on the infringement of rights for the LGBTQ community. Indiana’s SB 101 was created to protect the religious freedom for business owners, churches, and other religious related communities and organizations against those… Read More

The Black Church Then and Now

When most people think of the black church, a vision of hooping preacher’s tuning up to bluesy organ playing, gospel choirs robed and swaying to upbeat music, members shouting and dancing as they are moved by the spirit to do so, and everyone dressed in their Sunday’s best with the ladies wearing the biggest hats… Read More